Easy Steps to Lawn Renovation

Easy Steps to Lawn Renovation

Lawns may occasionally thin out and become weedy as the result of insects, diseases, or severe summer stress. If your lawn has deteriorated to the extent that routine cultural practices, such as mowing, fertilizing, watering, and controlling weeds and pests do not give the desired response, it is probably time to replace it.

Lawns that do not need re-grading or soil tilling and amendments may be renewed simply by killing off the existing lawn (weeds and all) and re-seeding.

Using Round-Up as the first step in replacing a tired, old lawn is easier and more economical than using mechanical methods. Just follow these steps to a lush and beautiful lawn.

Step 1. Because Round-Up is absorbed by the leaves of weeds and grasses, skip one mowing before spraying.

Step 2. Mix Round-Up Concentrate Weed & Grass Killer at a rate of 6 ounces per gallon of water or Round Up Super Concentrate Weed & Grass Killer at a rate of 2-1/2 ounces per gallon of water.

Step 3. Spray the entire lawn area to be replaced evenly with Round-Up.

Tip: Round-Up works best when grass is actively growing. For best results, apply during warm sunny weather (60 to 85 degrees F). Water the area 24 hours prior to application if the soil is dry. Also water 2-3 days after application.

Step 4. If any green patches remain after 7 days, re-apply Round-Up. A second application can be crucial when treating dense turf such as Bermudagrass or tough-to-control weeds.

Tip: It's tempting to hurry through the initial steps of establishing a new lawn, however taking the time now to thoroughly kill all weeds is important to the future of your new lawn.

Step 5. Prepare the area for reseeding by removing the old grass and weeds with a power rake. Then, select a Scotts grass seed adapted to your area.

Tip: Scotts Pure Premium Grass Seed blends are healthy and have a high percentage of germination. They are also weed and disease free. Spending a few more dollars now for the best possible seed can save you hundreds of dollars in the years ahead.

Spreading a special fertilizer, such as Scotts Starter Fertilizer, the same day you seed, will make a world of difference in results. It stimulates early root development, so your seedlings develop faster, and grow much thicker and greener. Use peat moss as protective mulch, no more than º inch thick, keeping the grass seeds moist and protected from the sun, pesky birds, and soil erosion caused by rain and watering.

Step 6. Watering is critical. The seedbed should be kept moist. Watering frequently, rather than deeply, is best. Only the top inch or so needs to be kept moist, either by watering or rainfall. Watering may need to be done several times a day to maintain moisture levels in the soil.

Note: Once the seedlings sprout, watering is even more critical; the tender young plants will die if moisture is not available to them. Water less often, but more deeply to stimulate roots to grow deep into the soil.

Step 7. Mowing can begin as soon as there is anything to cut with a mower set at about 2-1/2 - 3 inches high. Do not mow when the soil is overly wet, as it can damage the young plants. Make sure the mower blades are sharp; the young grass plants can be easily pulled from the soil by dull blades.

Step 8. Apply a follow-up application of Turf Builder Lawn