Bob's Rewards. Earn, Save, and Enjoy!
Unlock Exclusive Perks with Every Purchase
Become a Bob’s Rewards Program member and start earning points with every purchase. Our rewards program is designed to give back to loyal customers with amazing benefits.
For every $250.00 spent on regular-priced merchandise, you will receive a $5.00 reward to use in the store. Rewards members are also notified via email for private sales, discounts, exclusive deals and coupons.
Reward FAQ's
How do I join Bob's Rewards Program?
Signing up is easy! Just visit our store or fill out the registration form to start earning points today.
How do I earn points?
For every $250.00 spent on regular-priced merchandise, you will receive a $5.00 reward to use in the store.
What can I do with my points?
Redeem your points for discounts on future purchases, exclusive products, early access to sales, and more.
What other benefits do members receive?
Members enjoy personalized offers, cash back rewards, special coupons, members-only sales, and a variety of other special promotions.